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Kevin Jose

Research Associate

Department of Engineering

University of Cambridge

I am currently a postdoc (Research Associate) in the Cambridge Solid Mechanics Group.

You can find my CVhere.


PhD, University of Southampton, 2023

BT-MT Dual Degree, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, 2017


  1. Evans M., ..., Jose K., al. “Developments and applications of the OPTIMADE API for materials discovery, design, and data exchange”.Digital Discovery(Accepted).
  2. Jose K., Ferguson N., and Bhaskar A. “Branched flows of flexural elastic waves in nonuniform cylindrical shells”.PLoS ONE18.5 (2023): e0286420
  3. Jose K., Ferguson N., and Bhaskar A. “Branched flows of flexural waves in non-uniform elastic plates”.Communications Physics5 (2022): 152
  4. Bhaskar A., and Jose K. “How far does a fold go?”Extreme Mechanics Letters45 (2021): 101261
  5. Boldini A.*, Jose K.*, Cha Y., and Porfiri M. “Enhancing the deformation range of ionic polymer metal composites through electrostatic actuation”.Applied Physics Letters112.26 (2018): 261903 (*Equal Contribution)
  6. Jose K., Chatterjee A., and Gupta A. “Acoustics of idakka: An Indian snare drum with definite pitch”.The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America143.5 (2018): 3184-3194
